
5 easy grab and go nutritious & delicious snacks!
A question that comes up often in my one-on-one work with clients is what I can eat for snacks or what snacks should I pack with my kid in school.
If you struggle with finding healthy, nutritious and delicious snacks, struggle no more, Today’s healing with Foods TV is all about “nutrilicious” snacks as I like to call them.
In the video below I’m going over 5 snacks I love and recommend.
- “Supernuts”
- Cheese (from pastured raised cows)
- Dry fruits (with a low glycemic index)
- Fresh fruits in season
- Avocado
Thanks for watching today’s video.
Now, I’d love to know what your favorite snack is? Put your comments below.
Keep making food your medicine; you’ll only get better, happier and you’ll feel younger,