
7-Ways to Celebrate Earth Day!
Today is Earth Day! I’m so excited!!! It’s a day to appreciate our beautiful home, planet Earth, a day to spend in nature with friends and family, a day to take one more action step to keep our home clean and beautiful.
What are you planning to do today (and tomorrow and the day after), that will contribute to a cleaner, greener planet?
Here are some things that come to my mind…
- Invest in a reusable water bottle and stop buying plastic bottled water
- Use fabric shopping bags instead of plastic
- Support bio-dynamic and sustainable agriculture by buying food from the local farmer’s market
- Buy foods grown locally and in season (you’ll reduce waist caused by transportation)
- Use baking soda and vinegar to clean your house
- Start recycling if you haven’t done so yet
- Spend some time in nature with a loved one (human or pet-it doesn’t really matter, we all share the same home: The Earth)
Oh boy so many ways each and every single one of us can make a difference on the health of our home (the planet Earth).
I know what you’re thinking…Your self-sabotaging inner critique is shouting, “oh it won’t make a difference, don’t even bother; I’m only one person how it can possibly make an impact”. Stop right there! Let me illustrate this for ya…
Did you ever have a faucet that’s dripping slowly, one drop of water every 30 seconds or so, and you think is no big thing, one drop of water from time to time; but then you decide to use a bucket to collect the water that’s slowly dripping and you’re shocked to see that overnight the 5 gallon bucket gets filled with water. Drop by drop over a short period of time the bucket gets full.
Same it goes with our actions Mihaela, one action step in the right direction over a period of time will make a big impact, by the virtue of ripple effect, by the power of example, it all adds up and it can make a big difference. Don’t ever underestimate the power of small beginnings.
Take your stand, choose one action step (see the list above for ideas) for a cleaner planet and you’ll be amazed by the results.
Share this post with your friends, family and colleagues so they can take one step for a cleaner planet too.
I’d love to hear now, what are you doing today to celebrate the Earth Day? Leave a comment below.
Thank you! You’re amazing and you better believe that,
We recycle quite a bit and I’m happy to be doing my part! Definitely need to hit the farmer’s market more often. 🙂
Yay! Valri, once you start buying your food from local farmers you can never go back to big agriculture food. It just tastes so much better, it’s nutrient dense and has the right antioxidant composition for you (you and the food are exposed to the same elements of nature, the plant produces antioxidants to protect itself from the negative effects {free radicals} of the environment, hence when you eat locally grown plants you get the exact antioxidants you need for your body to buffer the free radicals in your environment as well) not to say that you just know you’re doing the right thing by supporting the local farmers.
MIne is a chemical-free, baking soda and vinegar cleaned, recycling household. But I think we can all do more. I confess to having a drippy faucet, so I’ll be calling a plumber!
Sounds good Ani, the drippy faucet needs to be addressed:)
I’m going with recycled shopping bags. I have ’em in my closet and never use them. YAY!!! One small step for me check.
Awesome Kimberly and that’s how we make the world a better place to live in.