

Hello I’m thrilled you came here. You know why? It means you got how important those microbes are for you and you want to do something about it.

Let’s first review why gut flora is important for your health and then I’ll show you how to add those friendly microbes to your gut with fermented foods, to be more exact with a yummy cashew cheese recipe.


About 90% of all cells and genetic materials in your body make up your gut flora! That means you and I are the rest, 10%. On average a healthy adult carries about 3.3 to 4.4 pounds of bacteria in the gut. I know that doesn’t sound like 90% of your weight… Remember bacterial cells are so much smaller than the human cells, we’re talking about the number of cells not the weight or the size of the cells. Let’s have a look at the gut flora.<


Gut flora is made out of three groups:

  • – Essential or beneficial flora (e.g. Bifidobacteria, Lactobacteria, Proprioonobacteria)
    – Pathogenic/Opportunistic flora (e.g Bacteroids, Peptococci, Staphylococci, Streptococci, Bacilli, Clostridia, Yeast, etc.)
    – Transitional flora (non-fermenting gram-negative bacilli)

What are they doing for you?

  • – Protection from invaders
    – Appropriate digestion and absorption
    – Vitamin production
    – Detoxification
    – Immune system modulation
    – Health and integrity of the gut

The key is a balanced gut flora.

If your gut flora is in balance, and well taken care of, the magic happens, you have optimal digestion and absorption of nutrients. What do I mean by in balance? The beneficial microorganisms outnumber the pathogenic ones (it’s an unbalanced balance-the kind that favors the good guys:) When your gut is populated predominantly by the probiotic microbes, you’re well taken care of. Your organs are getting the nourishment they need, your immune system is kept in balance, your gut lining is healthy and functions well.

See that shiny hair, glowing skin and strong nails? That’s because of healthy gut flora, healthy gut and healthy food. In fact it’s more than that, the liver, adrenals, pancreas, brain and all the other organs are getting the nourishment they need, and as a result of that you get healthy from the inside out (or stay healthy).

balanced gut flora

Let’s have a look at how gut flora helps the immune system stay in balance and function optimally.

The immune system is located 80-85 % in the gut wall.
The immune system has two arms of defense (TH1 and Th2).

  • Th1 is responsible for so-called cell mediated immunity. It’s the first barrier to any invasion into the body (it helps you deal with your environment).
  • Th2 is responsible for the humoral immunity (immunity in the liquids of the body). This arm of the immune system is responsible for allergic reactions.

In the absence of the beneficial gut flora, the Th2 becomes overactive and predisposes the person to atopic-allergic type reactions, chronic inflammation and autoimmunity.
We need both Th1 and Th2 arms of immunity for optimal health. It’s the balance between the two that matters. A under active Th1 and overactive Th2 is when you see (or experience) chronic viral infections, allergies, chronic fatigue syndrome, candidiasis, asthma and eczema, just to name a few.

the unbalaced immune system


In conclusion: a balanced gut flora is the balancing agent between Th1 and Th2 immunity.

Now a legitimate question to ask would be, “what damages the gut flora and what can you do to bring it back?”

Things such as those listed below will do it

  • – Antibiotics
    – Steroid, The Pill, Other drugs
    – Stress
    – Poor diet
    – Infections
    – Old age
    – Pollution
    – Radiation
    – Alcohol
    – Toxic chemicals

What do you do?

First: avoid the above (if you figure out how to avoid old age please let me know, I’m interested in that too)
Second: reinoculate your gut with beneficial microorganisms. Bring the fermented foods back, baby!


Now watch the video below and make your first fermented food and eat it every day. I’ve made a vecipe (aka video recipe) for you: how to make cashew cheese, it’s fun, it’s easy and of course, it’s delicious too. Healing foods taste good.


HINT: Since I made this video I discovered the best way to culture the cashews is with the brine from the lacto-fermented cucumbers.

How to make cashew cheese ve-cipe (video recipe)



If you want to take this further, if you want support, accountability and a step-by-step system to put it all together, if you want to heal with whole foods, then check out the Health Intensive Transformation VIP Session.


In 2 hours we can get you more clarity than ever and come up with a “mastermind healing map” that will literally speed up this ultra endurance “race” you are on.


Are you ready to take it to the next level?

Click here to BOOK a RISK FREE “Health Intensive Transformation VIP Session”


We all know that diets don't work; deprivation and denial are both unnecessary and counterproductive. When it comes to food and your health ignorance is not bliss. I'm Mihaela and I will help you find what is holding you back from living your best health and life, simplify your eating and fitness routine to fit your busy schedule, learn to listen to your body, deconstruct cravings so you can make food choices that truly nourish you. I will help you break complex information into bite size pieces, easy to implement so you can take action now. Take charge of your health and live your best life ever.