Welcome to my virtual office! I’m Mihaela A. Telecan, DVM, MS, RD.
My personal mission is to help you take charge of your health, life and happiness by giving you the tools you need to improve your everyday life and make health a reality, not just a dream. I help women over 40, stay young, reclaim their health and feel vibrant.
- tried it all (acupuncture, chiropractic, energy healing, prescription and over-the-counter drugs, supplements, foot detox, and God knows what else), and you still wrestle with lack of energy, bloating, loose stools, constipation, aching joints, and frequent migraines, and your hormones are out of whack, as is your mood, and you’re depressed…
- are eating healthy food, mostly organic, and have eliminated gluten, dairy, and sugar from your diet and still struggle with ill health…
- heard that food is medicine and food is poison, and you’re not sure which is which (but you’re dying to know because, after all, you eat at least 3 times a day, so you might as well eat to heal)…
- are overwhelmed and confused about the conflicting nutrition information out there…
- are overwhelmed and tired of trying it on your own and not getting any results…
- are ready to embrace the transformation, drop the resistance, and get on the big wave of lifestyle change (a lifelong ride, by the way)…
It’s not (just) about another…
- meal plan you (you can find a ton of those for free on Google University)
- diet book (there are 36,000 diet books out there to choose from)
- recipe or cookbook (plenty of those out there as well)
- cleansing or detox program either…
It’s about having…
- a personalized (science-based) nutrition and lifestyle program that meets your very unique needs!
- accountability and support!
- it all figured out for you and with you.
I will help you redefine your dream life (and live it too): healthy, energetic, confident, in charge, cheerful, radiant, content, in peace (with yourself, with food, with life), and sexy too (that will be one of the many side effects)!!!
I was born
- in Dracula’s land (no, I’m not kidding; I’m from Transylvania);
- the third and last child in my family (not planned, –I was an “oops”);
- in a hospital that used to be a horse barn (now, how cool is that!);
I lived a simple but rich, time-honored, family-centered life.
- I make my own toothpaste (among many other things);
- I type with 2 fingers and need to look at the keyboard while I’m doing it (not fun…it’s on my to do list to take a typing class)
- I practiced kiokushin (full-contact karate) for about 3 years;
- I gave birth to my son without an epidural (if my mom did it, I had to do it too), and that was the hardest thing I’ve ever done!!!

- I received my training as a veterinary doctor (DVM) from the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
- I completed a Master of Science (MS) in dietetics and nutrition at Florida International University Miami, Florida.
- I’ve done 900 hours of dietetic internships with Florida International University and its affiliated teaching hospitals of South Florida.
- I took the national examination with CDR and became a Registered Dietitian and Licensed Nutritionist.
- I completed CDR Certification of Training in Adult Weight Management.
- I took the national examination with NCBDE and became a Certified Diabetes Educator.
- I’m a graduate of the course Food as Medicine provided by The Center for Mind-Body Medicine.
- I’m a graduate of the course Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice provided by The Institute for Functional Medicine.
- I’m also a graduate of the course Integrating Functional Nutrition into Clinical Practice, provided by the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine–iCAMP.
- I received my certification as a Holistic Health Coach from The Institute for Integrative Nutrition.
- I became Certified GAPS Practitioner (Gut and Psychology/Psychology Syndrome) after completing my training with Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride.
- I am a certified Spinning Instructor (Mad Dog Athletics), Group Fitness instructor, and Personal Trainer (International Fitness Association).
- I am a member of the Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM), the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP), and The Weston A. Price Foundation.
- I am the author of MAKE PEACE WITH FAT, book!
- That everyone can achieve exceptional health;
- That food is fuel and nourishment, food can be our medicine if we choose so;
- Eating is as natural and efortless as breathing;
- “Health is the currency of life!” – Dr.Telecan
If you feel crappy, it’s because you’re eating crap! (excuse my French)
(I know is not your fault and it’s hard to distinguish real food from processed food. You’ve been educated by the big food advertising propaganda (don’t even get me started!). I get it. That’s where I come in to help you recognize real food and take you from where you are to where you want to be.)
- That your thoughts create your reality. If you believe you can do it, you will do it. If you believe you can’t do it, you won’t be able to do it;
- In the power of the human body to regenerate itself. Just provide the body with the raw materials that it needs, and it will do all the work for you.

- Working with a client;
- Doing a group call;
- Writing a blog;
- Shooting a video;
- Creating a program;
- Posting on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram;
- Giving a live lecture or doing a webinar;
- Teaching a group fitness class;
- Training a gal or two;
- Riding my bike;
- Playing at the beach or park with my son and hubby;
- Shopping at the farmer’s market or cooking something yummy;
- Working out at the gym or outside sweeping the yard (yep, that’s functional training right there);
- Bouncing on the rebounder (cellerciser);
- Chatting with my friends or family (by phone since they are all still in Dracula’s land);
- Riding my bike again (I can never ride my bike enough)!!!