
How to Look & Feel GOOD (part 1 of 2)

How to Look & Feel GOOD (part 1 of 2)

How to Look & Feel GOOD??? Wow, this is a million dollar question. I bet you’re asking yourself this question every morning when you get out of bed and every time you see yourself in the mirror, especially as time goes by and gravity starts pulling your skin and muscles (bones too) down. So I… Continue Reading

PLU Codes. What are they & Why you should know

PLU Codes. What are they & Why you should know

What are PLU Codes and what do they say about vegetables and fruits? PLU stands for Price Look-Up. The bar codes or the stickers you see on fresh vegetables and fruits in the supermarket help the cashier ring you up making sure you pay the right amount; it helps the store keep track of their… Continue Reading

My Top 5 FREE Mindset & Productivity Apps.

My Top 5 FREE Mindset & Productivity Apps.

5 FREE Mindset & Productivity Apps I Use and Recommend This is the last part of the 3 part series “Top Apps of 2015 that I Use, Love and Recommend”. I’ll start with the Mindset/Meditation/Relaxation Apps: GPS for the Soul. This is a great app for stress management, relaxation and positivity. It uses breathing, meditation exercises,… Continue Reading



My Top 4 FREE Fitness Apps (Muscle and Brain) Last week I shared with you my top Food and Nutrition Apps. Today I’m going to show you the top 4 FREE Fitness Apps I like, use and recommend. Both for muscle and brain fitness. #1. Map My Run I usually use this app for outdoors… Continue Reading

My Favorite 2015 Food & Nutrition Apps

My Favorite 2015 Food & Nutrition Apps

My Favorite 2015 APPS! Over the years I’ve been using many apps to help me in my life and biz. I did a review of all of them and I selected the top contenders. It turned out to be 13. I hope the number 13 doesn’t scare you away. Ok, here they are. I suggest… Continue Reading

The New You!

The New You!

New Year, New Dreams, New You! 7 Tips to Help You Reach Your 2016 Goals! A lot of people begin the New Year by making resolutions. We’ve all been there. We take a vow to lose weight, eat healthier, exercise on regular basis, or spend more time with our family. We start the year with great intentions,… Continue Reading

Six Tips To Avoid Weight Gain This Holiday Season

Six Tips To Avoid Weight Gain This Holiday Season

6 TIPS TO AVOID WEIGHT GAIN THIS HOLIDAY SEASON This time of the year we’re exposed to more food than ever. There is a temptation at every corner. Baskets of goodies are brought into the office. Grocery stores have loads of baked goods, chocolates and other yummy stuff. You’re going to a party almost every night… Continue Reading

3 whole foods bars you should know about!

3 whole foods bars you should know about!

Tips to help you choose whole foods energy bars! It’s a jungle out there when you go to the aisle with nutritional bars. If you actually read the ingredients of most bars, you realize they are highly refined products, which do not meet the definition of real whole food. I call those, “food like substances”. They… Continue Reading

Microwave: to use or not to use?

Microwave: to use or not to use?

Microwave! To use or not to use? Do you use a microwave oven? If yes, do you ever wonder how it works, if it denatures the food and how it impacts your health? In Today’s video I answer these questions; I’m giving you the scoop on microwave. Not too long ago I took a 2 week… Continue Reading

Ten Things I Love

Ten Things I Love

Ten Things I Love You heard me talking about being unconditionally happy or living unconditionally. What I mean by that is you feeling, self-worth, loved, good, worthy, beautiful, happy, etc. regardless of any external conditions being there to facilitate that. You’re just happy. You don’t need to have that car or that purse, or that person doesn’t… Continue Reading


We all know that diets don't work; deprivation and denial are both unnecessary and counterproductive. When it comes to food and your health ignorance is not bliss. I'm Mihaela and I will help you find what is holding you back from living your best health and life, simplify your eating and fitness routine to fit your busy schedule, learn to listen to your body, deconstruct cravings so you can make food choices that truly nourish you. I will help you break complex information into bite size pieces, easy to implement so you can take action now. Take charge of your health and live your best life ever.