
Grain-Free, Guilt-Free What? Pasta???
Is there such a thing as grain free pasta and why should you care about it?
If you’re like most people out there you love pasta, but you’re scared to eat it. Lately you’ve probably heard over and over again how bad wheat and gluten are for you. You have all the reasons to do so, there is solid evidence indicating wheat and gluten are linked to obesity, diabetes and worse of all Alzheimer’s disease, just to name a few; but there is hope. Today I’m introducing you to a grain-free, guilt-free… Pasta!!!
So I’m super excited about today’s Healing with Foods TV episode. It’s all about pasta that you can actually eat, guilt free, worry free. Yes it’s a grain free, gluten free pasta, GAPS approved, made of red lentils. Another whole food based product that although it comes in a box it fits the criteria low processed food.
Watch the video below and learn about this special pasta. On part 2 (see video II) I’m teaching you how to make a delicious sauce for it. Have fun with it and let me know how you like it. Exciting!!!
Part II: Learn how to make a delicious sauce for this pasta.
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Happy guilt free pasta dish,