
Microwave! To use or not to use?
Do you use a microwave oven? If yes, do you ever wonder how it works, if it denatures the food and how it impacts your health?
In Today’s video I answer these questions; I’m giving you the scoop on microwave.
Not too long ago I took a 2 week course on video making. One of my assignments was to answer a frequently asked question (by my clients) in less than 3 minutes. So the video you’re watching today I made it for the class but with you in mind.
Now without taking any more of your time click on the video below and learn about the microwave oven and your health. Again take what works for you and leave the rest to the Universe.
Go to this links to learn more about the use of microwave oven:
Thanks for watching. Did you like this video? Subscribe to my channel, share with your friends and make sure to put your comments below. I’d love to know if you’re using a microwave and what are your thoughts about it.
To clean wholesome eating,