
Think Happy on Purpose!
I’m thrilled. I’m happy. I’m excited. I’m loved . I’m awesome. I’m vibrant. I’m beautiful. I’m capable. I’m healthy. I’m worth.
How do you feel when you read those words?
Stop for a second and think.
Pay attention to what you feel when you read those words. Read them again out loud.
Do you smile? Do you feel light and energized? Does it feel like you can climb Mount Everest? Life is good, and fun, easy…
Now read the following words and pay attention to how they change your whole chemistry:
I’m tired. I’m fat. I’m not good. I’m ugly. I’m slow. I’m awful. I’m sick. I’m not successful. I’m an emotional eater. I’m an addict. I can’t do it.
Stop and see how just by reading those words you got heavy and slow, life feels hard, life feels overwhelming…
This little exercise is so powerful.
You see, you can choose any of the above words (thoughts) on purpose, hold them all day long and see what happens.
Whether you’re aware of it or not you create your reality with your thought.
Positive affirmations (thoughts) will pull you into doing all you want or need to do with more ease and joy, while the negative thought will pull you down on a path of not doing, not getting what you want (health, carrier, relationship, etc.)
Do you believe that your thoughts create your reality?
If you answered yes to this question then you realize how important is to choose your thoughts.
Choose happy, healthy thoughts on purpose, just like you chose food. You don’t go to a restaurant and say “you have this dish that it’s really awful, I totally despise it, give me more of it”.
Treat your thoughts the same way. Don’t dwell on negative thoughts just as you don’t ask for awful tasting food.
Start thinking positive on purpose and create your new reality.
Now if you want to go a bit deeper into this subject, I’m excited to share with you an article I published on Huffington Post that talks about the exact topic of creating your reality by choosing to be happy on purpose. Click on the image or on the link below and read the article. Feel free to share.
Share your comments below.
Love and awesome vibes, Mihaela