
What are chakras and how do they work?
I had the pleasure of Skype-chatting with Jackie Deblasio, spiritual teacher, on a topic I became particularly interested in for the past 3 years or so, since I attended a local workshop “Yoga for Chakras”. It took me a while to fully grasp the concept of chakras, so I’m excited to share with you in today’s blog post what I’ve learned from my conversation with Jackie.
Grab a cuppa, and enjoy the “Chakra Talk”.
MIHAELA: What are chakras and why are they important?
JACKIE: They are magical little unseen energy centers which each of us have running throughout our body.
The chakras have been studied for thousands of years within several different cultures. They are connected to our physical body, our emotions and our spiritually. They have the powerful job of keeping us balanced, happy and healthy.
Our chakras each have a color frequency which they connect with and emit and can also be strengthened many ways such as with the food we eat, essential oils, visualizations and mantras to name a few.
Having the knowledge of how to bring our chakras into balance can effect our health, our relationships, our ability to feel safe and secure in this world, our ability to express our selves and whether we are living joyful and fulfilled lives.
When all of our chakras are in alignment and balanced, our life tends to flow with ease and we thrive. However, when one or two of our chakras are weak, then it interrupts the energetic flow of our entire being.
Before we know how to balance our chakras, we first need to understand the basics of them and their independent properties. As you read the following brief descriptions of the chakras, you will gain insights as to which of your chakras are needing extra attention.
There are seven commonly recognized chakras which begin at your tailbone and then run along your spine to the top of your head.
The Root Chakra is located at the base of your spine and is connected to your sense of security, energy levels and overall vitality.
The color that it resonates to is the color red.
The sacral Chakra is located in your lower abdomen and regulates your emotions and creativity. Your Sacral Chakra resonates
with the color orange.
The Solar Plexus represents your intellect, your star power and your over all digestive system. It is located in your
upper abdomen and resonates with the color yellow.
The Heart Chakra is, located in the center of your chest and is responsible for the health of your heart and lungs, self
love and love for others. The color which helps to bring it into balance is the color green.
The Throat Chakra is located in the area of your throat and it regulates your self-expression and physically it supports your neck
shoulders and thyroid. The color which helps to strengthen it is blue.
The Brow Chakra is located in the center of your forehead and is connected to your sense of knowing, intuition and parts of
your brain. The colour which it loves is indigo.
The Crown Chakra allows you a deep connection to the divine. It allows you to believe in things bigger than yourself. Its colour
that it resonates with is the color magenta/violet.
This is a very brief description of the chakras and their controlling factors of our emotions, our physical body and how connected we are spiritually.
These seven chakras are the most fundamental chakras, but there are many other chakras and in fact you could even describe each of the cells in your body as mini chakras!
MIHAELA: How can we tell if one or more of our chakras are out of balance?
JACKIE: When our chakras are balanced our life will flow.
We will handle challenges with ease and grace. We will thrive financially and we will be surrounded by a supportive community. Physically we will be strong, we will be fully aware of our purpose in this lifetime, we will have open hearts, we will have a sense of knowing and be intuitive with our decisions. We will be connected to the heavens, we will be creative, self-confident and will express our selves freely.
If you struggle in one or more of these areas you will most definitely have at least one chakra out of balance. With a focused approach of deepening our understanding of our selves and the world around, we can learn to support and bring our chakras into balance.
I would like to share an example from my own life of how I worked with the chakras to help me move through major life blocks.
About ten years ago I found myself in a depression. I had lost the connection with my soul and was being swallowed up by life. I began
meditating, using visualizations and prayer to reconnect with my spirit. This immediately began to support my crown chakra very quickly bringing me out of the depression. At that time I was also completely exhausted. I was ready to lay down for a nap within an hour of getting up in the morning. This was significant of a complete depletion of my root chakra. It took me several years to bring it
back up but was well worth the effort as today I have normal energy levels.
As time went on I desired to teach the healing arts to other women because of how life changing these practices had been for myself. I was terrified to be seen and to speak in groups. My throat and solar plexus chakras were keeping me from following my passions. With this knowledge I put to use many practices to help me bring these chakras also back into balance.
This chakra work has been life changing for me and with every block and success I face within my life I always consider how my life situations and experiences are being supported or hindered by my chakras.
MIHAELA: What are some of the ways we can work with the chakras to bring more balance into our lives?
JACKIE: There are many ways of supporting our chakras and with focused effort they will respond and move into alignment.
One of the ways of working with the chakras is through visualizations within meditation. Another way is by creating a piece of intuitive art for each chakra as you explore how they each express themselves within your own life. You can work with wearing certain colors or soaking in a colored bath to raise the frequency of your chakras. You can use essential oils, elixirs or specialized alchemical blends specifically designed to work with the chakra of your choice. There are also teas, herbs and specific activities which can support a strong chakra system.
Then, of course, the foods which we eat can be one of the easiest and most natural ways of supporting each of the chakras! This can be a very powerful way to bring our chakras into balance. Eating an array of different colored foods is a great way to start supporting yourself energetically through the color vibration of the foods at your disposal.
Mihaela, I know that you have created an easy to follow food guide for the chakras.
Yes, I did create a “Foods For Chakras Chart”, which I will share on the next blog.
A word about Jackie Deblasio.
Jackie has spent many years studying and embodying sacred healing practices such as the chakras, healing meditation and intuitive creativity. It brings her great joy to work with other women in support of their journey towards living authentic, empowered and joyful lives.
Jackie is the creator of the PEACEFUL PEONY PROJECT, an 8 month intensive study and embodiment of the Color Codes of
the Chakras and the Sacred Rituals. This program looks deep into our relationship with each of the chakras and connects us through spirit with monthly sacred practices which cultivate healing and joy through soulful connection.
LEARN MORE AT: www.jackiedeblasio.com
I’d love to know if this is all new to you or you’ve been nurturing your chakras for a while. Leave a comment below.
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Leaving you with lots of love and whole foods,